Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Put Another Blog On The Fire...

Mother fucker. Just what I need. Another blog that I can't keep up with. BUT this one has a noble purpose. I have signed up to write 31 plays in 31 days....because....well, because I'm an asshole glutton for punishment, I guess. Nah, this'll do me a load of good as a playwright. And I've been loading on the good as a playwright. For example, I recently found out my Audition Monologue is going to be published by JAC Publishing in their compilation interJACtions: Monologues from the Heart of Human Nature, Volume II. This marks the third time I have written something as a joke on Facebook and it's actually gone somewhere...what is this telling me? Baby Bear Becomes A Man was written as a joke, based on a god-awful painting of a naked blonde with a bear that was posted on my page by fellow playwright Michael McGuire - it was produced in Portland, Oregon and Bridgeport, Connecticut. My Vagina Monologue was performed in NYC by Caps Lock Theatre as part of Pussyfest. That fucking cracks me up. My Audition Monologue is unfortunately and absolutely autobiographical - so its being published is extra sweet. And I love the idea that people will be auditioning with my life experience as their words. Boo yeah.

So, anyway, 31 plays in 31 days - I shall be tracking my progress on this here blog.

And I'll talk about my other theatre shit - like I'm playing Nym in Merry Wives of Windsor with the Oxford Shakespeare Company in NYC in August.

Rock on!